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June 11, 2011

10 Things to do with Your Children this Summer

Summer is a wonderful time for families and kids to recharge from what could have been a stressful if not busy school year.  It is not uncommon for a parent to hear at some point during the summer...”I’m bored.”  When kids have too much down time that creates challenges for the family. The important idea to keep in mind is balancing between down time and creating opportunities for your children to remain active, both physically and intellectually.

1. Plan a vacation together

2. Plan a stay vacation together

3. For younger kids pick a theme for the day and have activity around it.

4. Volunteer for a day.... park district, hospital, or library

5. Pick a meal of the week. Shop for it and promote it as a big deal.

6. Plan a big kid party.  If you have more than one child switch off.

7. Plant a garden

8. Camp out in your backyard

9. Visit a local museum

10. Join a summer reading program or go to the library