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August 21, 2012

Myers Counseling Group Solutions: Mark Myers Expert Answe to: How Can a man Who Doesn't Trust Anyone find A Girlfriend-Wife?

Myers Counseling Group Solutions: Mark Myers Expert Answe to: How Can a man Who Doesn't Trust Anyone find A Girlfriend-Wife?

Mark Myers Expert Answer to: How Can a man Who Doesn't Trust Anyone find A Girlfriend-Wife?

Mark Myers expert Answer to: Dating and Relationships: How can a man who doesn't trust anyone find a girlfriend/wife? The fact that you see this issue as your problem,that is a good start. Often times individuals with trust issues may blame their struggles on others(women cannot be trusted) rather than themselves(I have a trust issue). I would first suggest recognizing behaviors and thoughts that would reflect your trust issues. This could be done by writing down thoughts throughout the day. At days end, go back and review your journaling. It is important to start recognizing unhealthy thoughts("Woman cannot be trusted) and behaviors("I need to check up on her") and begin to replace them with healthier thoughts/behaviors .Once you give credibility to your mistrust thoughts, you start losing the battle. Initially there are going to be struggles. Just like a lot of issues, hard work and consistency could break this pattern. I would suggest having an outside source be able to give you objective feedback. In most cases, this would be a therapist who works with a Cognitive Behavioral or Solution focused approach.