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July 22, 2011

Ten Tips for Managing Workplace Stress

Ten Tips to Managing Workplace Stress 

Many get stressed out by work from time to time, but recognizing the severity of it and classifying it as a problem can be the right path towards managing workplace stress.

1. Recognize your stress
Signs and Symptoms : anxiety, irritability, depression, apathy, loss of interest in work, problems sleeping, problems concentrating and/or fatigue.

2. Exercise: It is always important to get your exercise in for the day whether it is taking a walk, riding a bike or running, 30 mins. everyday can help increase your metabolism and increase endorphins, your body's "feel-good" chemicals, giving your mood a natural boost. Exercise will decrease "stress hormones" like cortisol. 

3.  Eat Right: List of  foods that can reduce stress provided by Dr. Susan Kleiner, author of The Good Mood Diet.

  • Healthy fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) Examples: olives, olive oil, nuts, seeds, nut and seed butters, nut and seed oils, avocados, fish
  • Whey protein Examples: milk and dairy products — lowfat/nonfat milk, yogurt, kefir, smoothies, whey protein powder
  • Tryptophan and B vitamins Examples: turkey, lean pork, beef, chicken
  • Magnesium (decrease headaches) Examples: nuts, beans, whole grains, spinach
  • Ginger (decrease headaches, pain relief)
  • Anti-inflammatory effects (bioflavonoids) Examples: pomegranates, grape juice, soy, kale, green beans, apples, citrus, prunes. Also for other anti-inflammatories that they contain: pineapple, fish, wheat germ
  • Zinc and iron (boosts immune function) Examples: lean meats, eggs, seafood, whole grains  

4. Avoid Caffeine: Drinking four or five cups of coffee a day makes the body act as if it is under constant stress. Combined with additional work pressures, it can increase blood pressure significantly, leading to an increased risk of long-term heart disease, says a US report. A study of 72 regular coffee drinkers by researchers at the Duke University Medical Center found that they produced high levels of adrenalin and nonadrenalin hormones. Professor James Lane, who took part in the research, told a behavioural medicine conference: "Moderate caffeine consumption makes a person react like he or she is having a very stressful day. If you combine the effects of real stress with the artificial boost in stress hormones that comes from caffeine, then you have compounded the effects considerably." RXTM-chronic stress

5. Increase Communication: Having a open communication platform between supervisors and staff can decrease stress on both ends. It is easier to map out what each parties want when there is face to face interaction. Getting assignments ahead of time and learning what each other wants out of one another can give reassurance to both parties that each one is on the same page. The Mayo Clinic gives a more in depth look into increased communication leads to decrease in workplace stress.

6. Time Manage: It is important to set priorities. Get ahead of your agenda and map out a weekly plan of assignments that you need to complete. Even mapping out the hours of in-office work for the day can decrease stress about getting work completed for the day. It can ultimately increase time spent on work with with the decrease of time spent worrying.

7. Organize: Even though many may have digital file folders of their work and information, many still have hard copies of the most important information. It is important to file accordingly. Alphabetize or place in numeric order the documents that you often use. Set a schedule both online and in a personal planner. 

8. Avoid Alcohol and Nicotine. Alcohol temporarily reduces anxiety and worry, but too much can cause anxiety as it wears off. Drinking to relieve job stress may also eventually lead to alcohol abuse and dependence. Similarly, smoking when you're feeling stressed and overwhelmed may seem calming, but nicotine is a powerful stimulant; leading to higher, not lower, levels of anxiety. HELPGUIDE.org

9. Talk to your loved one. Opening up about what your career entails with a loved one might not only increase communication in a relationship, but also decrease stress by giving you the chance to talk about your stresses to someone you trust in giving you good advice.

10. Take time for leisure time. It is very important to stay on top of your work, but also take time for yourself or spend time with family or friends.

July 15, 2011

Ten Ways Couples Can Reconnect

This blog post is a compilation of different sources. All  suggestions are not made by Myers Counseling Group. The sources are at the end of each paragraph. Via_ click to view more on that subject.  

Ten Ways Couples Can Reconnect  

MSNBC recently explored the idea of how boredom affects divorce and while the idea that ennui can lead to Splitsville is scary, the solution is surprisingly easy. “Shared challenges and exciting diversions are what make relationships hot long after the wedding gown has been packed up and stored away,” the article states. “Boredom and a dull, daily routine can kill a marriage, squashing intimacy and romance.” Via Divine Caroline.

1. Make a date night  "Married couples should never stop courting," says  Lou Paget, a sex educator and the author of Hot Mamas (Doubleday Canada). Pick a time and consider it a treat -- not one more thing on your to-do list. Think it's a downer to plan for sex? News flash: You basically always did. "A lot of what seemed like spontaneous sex, really wasn't. You had it on dates, weekends, vacation -- times you knew it would happen," she explains.  Via The New Homemaker

2. Take time each day to connect emotionally. Have a time each day where you and your spouse sit down together and have a short conversation without the children present. Let the children know that Mom and Dad need ten minutes alone and make sure that they have something that can keep them occupied and safe during this time. This allows you to connect daily, but it also models to your children the importance of your relationship together as a couple. They will reap the benefits of this modeling when they have their own relationships. Via ERYNFAYE 

3. Find out what makes your spouse feel loved. A spouse who feels loved is much more likely to want to jump into bed. Do they need a back massage? A heart-to-heart talk? An afternoon away from the kids? A compliment on how good they look? A love note tucked into the laptop? How about the having the toilets scrubbed? Find out what sets the stage for romance for your lover and then do it unbidden. Via ERYNFAYE

4. Pursue a hobby. There are a multitude of hobbies available to couples these days.  No longer are you required to sit at home with nothing to do, instead the whole world has been opened up to you as a giant adventure in life.  Take your partner by the hand and embrace the adventure, let it soar through your bodies, bringing you ever closer together. Here is a list of over 60 hobbies you and your spouse or your partner can try. Via Hobbies for Couples.

5. Take a vacation or the honeymoon you never had. There are hundreds of different packages that couple can choose at a low cost. Find an all inclusive vacation. Research to find deals. Here are a few resources:

Beach Finder: cheapcaribbean.com

6. Enroll in a Marriage Class. A marriage class or seminar can help you to put each other first, accept your spouse for who they are, and learn to see each other as partners again. Via TwoOfUs.org

7. Do something romantic. List from TheGloss. 101+ Romantic Things To Do With Your Partner

8. Express your respects. It's easy for you to take your spouse for granted, but don't do it, thank them for doing the laundry, mowing the grass, putting up the dishes and even making the dinner. Express your caring and respect for each other in different ways. Via families.com

9. Do something you haven’t done since you were dating. Things to do as "boyfriend and girlfriend."

10. Kiss. Hug. Make love. Have sex. Whatever you want to call it, when one or both spouses is stressed out or out of sorts, sex is often the first thing to go. Both of you are tired and sleep seems like a more immediate need. Unfortunately, days can stretch into weeks without that physical intimacy. Most couples really do need the physical expression of love and the closeness. Via ehow Family.

July 9, 2011

10 Ways Parents Can Calm Their Children

1. Head off situations before they happen.
2. Pull your child aside before momentum reaches a point of no return.
3. Offer consequences if behavior continues.
4. Use distraction.
5. Remove child from situation.
6. Plan ignored behavior.  Do not reinforce acting out attention seeking behavior.
7. Catching child doing it right way and reinforcing it, can give child a reference point to work from
8. Mange your own anger. If your anger escalates it may be difficult for your child to control his/hers.
9. Role modeling.
10. Develop routines supportive of a calm environment.

Top Ten Stress Relievers

Top Ten Stress Relievers

1. Exercise
2. Take a walk
3. Take a fun class
4. Take a few minutes and do a visualization of restful or peaceful
5. Take a yoga class
6. Practice deep breathing techniques
7. Participate in a fun activity with partner or friend
8. Cognitive reframing…..  look at it from a different perspective.
9. Read a book
10. Get away from the moment. Try to predict stressful situations and prepare for them.

Top Ten Resources for Addicts in Recovery

5. Church/Synagogue support group

Located on the left hand side of this blog "Mental Health Crystal Lake, IL" is a larger list of resources. Check them out!

Top Ten Warning Signs of Drug Problems in Teenagers

Ten warning signs include:

1. Drop in grades
2. Change in friends
3. Isolating more
4. Paraphernalia found
5. Stopping or decrease in activities
6 More emotional outbursts
7. Change in appearance or hygiene
8. More secretive/avoidant behaviors
9. Change in sleep patterns
10. More defiant

If you see these behaviors, it does not mean your child is using drugs. They are just warning signs and also be more reflective of other issues he or she is going through.

Top Ten Expectations for Parents when Raising Children with Autism

1. Expect a lot of advice and suggestions from friends and family.  Understand some of this advice may not be productive, realistic, or made with a true understanding of the nature of the problem.

2. Expect that your child may have social challenges. He or she may not fit in with peer group.

3. Expect you may need to advocate for your child in some settings. The setting could be school or community

4. Expect that your child may place additional demands on your family system.

5. Expect that your certain tasks may not come easy for your child. He or she may need tasks broken down.

6. Expect your child may have trouble with transitioning from one place to another.

7. Expect that you may need to be proactive in addressing issues or challenges your child faces.

8. Expect you need to educate yourself more about your child’s diagnosis.

9. Expect you and your partner need to be on the same page regarding parenting issues. 

10. Expect that your child will bring great joy  to you regardless of these challenges.


Ten Safety Tips for Facebook Parents

While Facebook is the social media that keeps family and friends connected, there are many dangers that parents should be aware of. Now that summer vacation has arrive, children and teenagers are spending more time on the Internet. Facebook being the leading social network, has reeled in more children under the age of 18. When signing up for Facebook, the site's registrations includes "Birthday," which includes a statement that those under 18 will have content filtered and specific settings. But a user can be at least 13 years old to register. Allowing anyone to manually enter in their birthday, it can be easy for anyone to fill out false information. But just because this is asked there is no way of truly knowing the age of the child, therefore it is imperative parents learn how to become involved. In the beginning of Facebook's takeoff is was a social networking site solely for college students with a valid .edu email, now anyone can sign up therefore there are restrictions and dangers that all parents should know about Facebook.

First a few statistics:

1. Talk to your child about Facebook Safety. Below is a starting point for research with a list of resources. Make sure that you always have a personal Facebook profile.

2. Create a Facebook Group: You can set join permissions on groups so that they are either open to anyone, closed (where users must get administrator approval to join) or secret (invite only). Groups have administrators that manage the group, approve applicants or invite others to join. Administrators can also appoint “officers” who are nominally in charge – however, being an officer doesn’t mean the person has the ability to administer the group. You can invite people that you are familiar with: Family and children's friends, family friends and organizations of interest. Your child will have to create a Facebook profile to gain access into the group, unless you allow them to become the administrator. Safety rules and privacy settings for creating your child's Facebook profile are provided below.

2. Create a personal profile for your child and gain full access of email and password. Make sure you have access to view the email content which is being used for Facebook as well. This does not mean you have to view their profile every day, but at least twice a week. View complete Facebook privacy settings.  Privacy Settings for Facebook.

3. Create a Family Facebook Profile. If there is a family Family Facebook, each individual has access to the profile. You can monitor friend requests and current friends to ensure that you have accepted them to view your family's profile. You can set this up under your personal account and change the profile name in settings. 

4. Keep in contact with teachers and school officials. Make sure that there are not any problems going on between students and check that friends list, make sure you know every parent of that Facebook friend and that there are not issues between your child and one of the children labeled as a "friend."

5. Make sure that the child is monitored closely when using the Internet and Facebook. If your child is a minor, you are responsibly for everything that your child does on Facebook and the Internet. You have to remember that the Internet never forgets. Everything that is posted can spread like wildfire. Parents should view safety prevention tips for Facebook.

6. Utilize Facebook as the leading resource for tutorials, FAQs, forum and Safety Center for privacy settings. Through your adult profile, view Facebook's Family Safety Center. Where you can learn about your family's safety and get updates when you "like" the Page. This is the number one resource to go to.

7. Become familiar with news and updates about Facebook. Here is also FAQs about Family Facebook Safety from Facebook. Here is an article and video from CBS New York entitled, Facebook Unveils Family Safety Center To Fight Bullying, Privacy Concerns.

8. Join a parent network on and off of Facebook, to ask questions and gain suggestions from other parents. 

9. For your child's personal profile, never accept any new friend requests from people you do not know, do not include birthday information and location information.

10. Do not allow your child to post any personal pictures. An avatar for Facebook is a safe way to go. Whether it be a character, symbol or saying it is a safer way to use Facebook.

Facebook can be used in a safer way to keep in contact with family and friends, but you as a parent are the only one who can create that safe Facebook environment.

Facebook Family Safety Center
Surfing the Net with Kids 
Free Trial Facebook Safety Alarm from ZoneAlarm
View other up and coming social networks. Stay Updated by SafeKids
Parenting Quiz about Online Safety
Free ebooks on Facebook Safety

July 1, 2011

Relationship Counseling: Are there any good websites or communities for discussing relationship issues?

Myers Counseling Expert answer via Quora.com  

I believe a general web search would turn up many options regarding forums. A word of caution is how you may decide to approach this situation. This  more

Are strong people more prone to addictions?

Myers Counseling Group expert answer on Quora.com

There are no studies that support whether or not stronger people are more or less prone to addiction. There are many factors involved in more