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December 25, 2011

Mark Myers expert Answer to: Is it up to the person to decide if his habit is an addiction and a problem?

For a person to be diagnosed addicted, it does not require his or her acknowledgment of the problem. However, to meet the criteria of being dependent, according to DSM IV-TR(reference source used by the medical and mental health community to diagnose mental health and substance abuse problems), that does rely on some subjective acknowledgment of the symptoms.

December 22, 2011

Teens and Synthetic Drug Use

I recently spent some time in a “tobacco” shop in one of our neighboring communities.

I’m very close with someone that worked there at the time and wanted to see what took place there. I walked away incredibly heart broken and disturbed at the amount of people walking in and out with synthetic drugs. It opened my eyes to a horrifying trend in today’s youth culture.

December 21, 2011

Work Stress Causes 10 Percent of Strokes

Mental stress at work may increase the risk of stroke, a new study says.

The results show that among men in middle and high social classes, those who experienced psychological stress at work were about 1.4 times more likely to have a stroke than others who did not.

December 14, 2011

10 Tips to Manage Holiday Stress.

10 Tips to Manage Holiday Stress.

1. Remember....you are not alone. Ask others to help out.
2. Don't put off until last moment. That only creates more stress and adds more to the holiday frenzy. Plan ahead.
3. Shop online. Saves time and energy.
4. Remember, it's the thought that counts. Don't place extreme demands for the perfect gift.
5. Keep alcohol consumption in moderation.
6. Reach out to others. For some people, holidays could feel isolating and lonely. Volunteering can help you feel better by helping others, feel more connected to people, and expand your network and resources.
7. Stick to a budget. A maxed out credit card certainly can add to the stress.
8. Be realistic with your expectations. If other family members have other obligations and cannot be with you during the holiday, find other ways to connect. This could include Skype, group phone call, e mails, photos and video's.
9. Set limits. Learn to say no.
10. Do not give in to the belief it is okay to let go because it is the holiday. Unhealthy lifestyles make you feel unhealthy. Also creates feelings of guilt and sometimes anger.

It is important to keep in mind the holidays are supposed to be a time of celebration and joy. Try to enjoy the time, appreciate what you have, think positive, stay in control of your situation and offer yourself a break.

December 7, 2011

Mark Myers Expert Answer to: How do you get someone with bipolar disorder to understand their diagnosis?

The intensity of bipolar symptoms are different from person to person as well as one portion(depression or mania)of the illness presenting itself more clearly than another. A diagnosis is difficult to determine at times, even for professionals. In order to accurately diagnose someone, professionals are dependent on either the patient's or others interpretation of symptoms. The mania portion of the illness is at times mistaken for anxiety.

December 6, 2011

Virtual Infidelity: Are You Guilty Of It?

Is a person really cheating on their spouse if the relationship never gets physical? Is it possible to have an online affair that goes too far?

December 5, 2011

ADHD Holiday Help: House Rules for Children

For the Norman Rockwell family, the holidays are a quiet time of peace, love and togetherness.

However, several weeks of school-free kids, cooped up in cold weather along with visiting relatives and in-laws never seem to paint the same pretty picture!

December 2, 2011

7 tips to making traveling with your kids a holiday treat

Before you head over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house for Thanksgiving, check out our seven tips to make traveling with your kids a holiday treat.