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April 23, 2012

My answer to: How do you cope with depression when the cause is your life is stagnant with problems with no solution.......

There are different ways a person may become depressed. It could develop can come from life situations(chronic unemployment, unhappy marriage), events(death of loved one, divorce), or from physiological origins (genetics, chemistry). Sometimes it could be a combination of one or all of the above. Just as depressive symptoms could develop differently, eliminating depressive symptoms could be approached using different courses of actions.

April 20, 2012

4-20 and Cannabis use

Today is April 20th. This day takes on special significance for individuals immersed in Cannabis use . It is used to identify oneself with Cannabis use culture. 420(pronounced four-twenty) is based on the number as well as the event. Although that are different beliefs of it’s origins, the most consistent theory is the term was first used by a group of teenagers in California. Their designated hang out was a wall outside their school. The term was used for the time of day that they would indulge in marijuana use. The term has evolved into a counterculture holiday in North America, where people gather to celebrate and consume cannabis. The term is used also as code to disguise dialogue from those who do not smoke marijuana.

April 2, 2012

Mark Myers Expert Answer to: Why is saying "I'm sorry" a sign of weakness to some?

Apologies, are not a sign of weakness. In fact it takes courage and confidence to acknowledge you did something to warrant an apology. Humans make mistakes. Admission of error(s) acknowledges that you are taking responsibility for your actions. This demonstrates to others(employees, children etc.) good role modeling.