What sort of hacks can I use to snap out of depression? I've been diagnosed with depression, but don't want to take medication.
Depending on the severity, the length of time it has been going on, and the impact it is having on your life, there are different ways someone can address feeling depressed. The first step is learning more about your depression. Try to determine patterns to your depression. Is it more intense during certain times of the day, talking with certain people, or thinking certain thoughts? Are some days better than other days? Is it more intense during certain times of the year? How long does it last when you are depressed? Keeping a journal would be one way to help determine patterns.
This information gathering is going to be helpful. If you feel depressed more during Winter time(for most people in general this is common to some degree), this may suggest a possibility of Seasonal Affective Disorder. Interventions could include increasing activities, buying a light therapy lamp, or increasing excercise routine.
While gathering information you may also see a pattern to how you think. Are you looking at situations pessimistically? Are you feeling lonely? Are you feeling depressed because of certain relationships or lack there of? How are you sleeping and does lack of sleep impact on your emotions? If you see a point of origin to your depression, you can implement a plan of action to address this.
Some strategies could include: increase/include exercise, vitamins, increase social networks, hypnosis, volunteer, join support group, involve yourself in religious activities or organisations, or changing your way of thinking. Medication does not have to be involved, but in some cases it is necessary. Talk therapy could also be introduced. A therapist could help you in planning out a course of action.
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October 24, 2011
Mark Myers Expert Answer to:What sort of hacks can I use to snap out of depression?
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